More than 40 years of media experience

With the flagship c’t and the specialist iX, we are publishing two computer titles that have been very successful for over 30 years, the trend-setting technology magazine Technology Review as well as the specialist titles Mac & i, c’t Photography and, through our subsidiary Maker Media, the magazine Make :.

Europe’s largest IT and tech magazine

  • Publicationbiweekly
  • Coverage860,000
  • Paid subscriptions156,887
  • Total paid circulation264,384

Everything IT professionals need to know

  • Publicationmonthly
  • Coverage278,000
  • Paid subscriptions21,876
  • Total paid circulation36,416

Be creative with technology

  • Publication2-monthly
  • Paid subscriptions19,615
  • Total paid circulation22,253

The Apple magazine of c’t

  • Publication2-monthly
  • Coverage338,000
  • Paid subscriptions12,262
  • Total paid circulation15,591

The magazine for professionals and hobby photographers

  • Publication2-monthly
  • Coverage261,000
  • Paid subscriptions8,697
  • Total paid circulation12,970

What can we help you with?

Our experts are at your disposal for all your questions. Choose your area of expertise and you can contact a consultant directly.