c’t Photovoltaics
Affordable electricity from the roof or balcony

The special issue of c‘t Photovoltaik will help interested homeowners and tenants with their personal solar projects. It explains why it pays off more than ever to produce electricity at home, whether on the roof or on the balcony.

In the focus section „Up on the roof!“, homeowners learn how to correctly dimension and plan a solar system and optimise its performance. We guide homeowners and tenants through the new government regulations for balcony power plants and provide specific advice on the selection of components and installation. The booklet also explains how to monitor the yield of the solar system and how to visualise the data.

Finally, the „Clever heating“ section explains everything you need to know about heat pumps. We also go into detail about the interaction with dynamic electricity tariffs and solar systems.

On sale:  Aug 30, 2024 
Space close:  Aug 08, 2024 

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