Sponsored article
- Creation of a sales push advertorial including text, pictures and (affiliate-) links by our heise bestenliste team
- Promotion through Social Media including one exclusive video on our TikTok channel:
with up to 200K views - max. 15-20 products
- Integration of the TechStage widget linked to the price com-parison portal
- Editorial briefing possible by arrangement
- One correction loop
IMPORTANT: There must be an added value for the user (cou-pon, high discount, raffle,…)
Packages | Packages S | Packages M | Packages L |
Clicks | 500 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
Duration | 1-2 weeks | 4 weeks | 6 weeks |
Rate | 3,250 € | 5,750 € | 9,250 € |
Lead time max. 14 working days
all rates plus VAT. Agency commission is granted