Sponsored Article


Content marketing; Occupy topics; Thought leadership (positioning as know-how carrier for specific topics); Placement in the editorial environment of heise online

This is what we do for you (version Small):
Creation of the native campaign in the layout of heise.de
Creating the advertising material
Integration into the heise news stream
Presence in the newsstream of heise.de
Promotion on heise online with cobranded ads.
If desired, you can use your own banners, but WITHOUT the heise logo.
Guaranteed views over the campaign period
Final performance report

This is what we need from you (version Small):
1 text (Word file): 4,000 – 5,000 characters (incl. spaces)
max. two images (in the text) – article image (in the text) should be between 600 and 1024 px wide
Videos please only as a link via YouTube etc.
Motif for the header graphic (image without font or logo): 1200 x 800 px; file type JPG/GIF/PNG
Company logo in high resolution as JPG, TIFF or PNG
Tracking links can be used for outgoing links
We can include a box with links in the article if desired
Lead time: 10 working days

Additionally for versions Medium and Large:
Writing the article(s) in a neutral, informative style

We need this from you in any case:
Naming the topic
Contact person for our authors to coordinate the content
A lead time of six weeks
